Wednesday, November 9, 2011

How To Create A Business Page On Google+

Now that Google is inviting businesses and brands onto its platform, here is how you can get an early bird advantage. Given below is a detailed insight into creating a Google+ business page.

Starting With Creating A Google+ Business Page:

Those using the create a page tool will have the following five categories to choose from for their page:

  • Local Business or Place
  • Product or Brand
  • Company, Institution or Organization
  • Arts, Entertainment or Sports
  • Other
Once you reach the page creation tool, this is the sort of welcome you will get:

Create a Google+ Page

Administering A Page:

The creator of the page is the administrator too. As of now there are no features to support multiple administrators, but will be added soon. There are no business name URLs yet, but a long string of numbers. Google has not given any information on when this may change. Once you change the name of your page, your account verification will be null and void then, and you need to get the account verified again.
Like Facebook, you will access a page through a personal account and can choose whether you want to use Google+ as a person or a page.

Create a Google+ Page Profile

Multiple Pages Are An Open Option:

You can operate multiple Google pages from your personal account. As Google says, “Pages can be made for a variety of different entities whereas profiles can only be made for people.If you’re a business, you could have a page for the overall business (say Pepsi) as well as for a particular product (say Diet Pepsi) as well as for an event (say the Dew Tour).”

This is a great idea for brands with multiple products to have pages for each product.

Things You Can Do On A Page:

On a business page, you can share pictures, videos and links apart from chatting as in conduct hangouts. There are no ways to automatically post on the page using native and third-party tools, most likely the integration tools will come as part of a future Google+ API release. As a page, you can follow those fans who have followed you. This is totally opposite to Twitter, where Pages can follow people first.

How Will Fans Follow Your Page:

On Google+, for a fan to follow a page, they have to “Add this page to their Circles”. If the fans click the +1 button on the page, the page will still be out of their Circles. Similarly, if a fan clicks on the “Add To Circles” does not mean that the page will be “+1ed” too.

Add to Circles

The +1 count that you see on the pages shows the number of people who have +1ed the page.

Google+ Business +1

This number is the number of +1s the Google+ page has got and not the +1s of the website.

Verify Your Page And Get A Badge!

In an effort to inspire brands to get followed, Google+ is launching a new icon with badges (reminds you of Facebook's Facepile doesn't it?) Go to this badge maker page and explore further, at present you can get an icon from here and use that in linking your site to a Google+ page.


Pages For Local Businesses Are A Whole New Story:

Local business pages have the additional option of entering phone numbers, so that people may coneect quickly. As Google says, “Local Google+ pages are unique from other categories of pages because they have features that allow customers to easily connect with that business’s physical location. For example, local pages include a map of the business’s location and feature its address, phone number, and hours of operation.”

How to Add Pages To Circles From Google Search:

You can now reach people searching for your brand or business on Google, by adding pages to circles from Google search. This can be done either by including Google+ pages in search results, or via a new tool- called Direct Connect.

If users want to connect to a Google+ page straight away, they have to add a plus (+) sign before their query and they will be taken to that Google+ page. Like +Google, +Pepsi, and +Toyota. 

How To Link Pages To Sites?

If you link you site to your page, then the chances of a Direct Connect get enabled. Here is how you can link your site to the Google+.

  • Rel=”publisher” (this is to link your site to the Google+ page)
To protect unauthorized users from creating your page (as at present any body can create a page for a site they are not even associated with), Google recommends the use of a the new verification icon and badge. This badge is only awarded if the page is connected to a website. This ensures that only authentic people behind the page can get the badge.

Visit, PageTraffic's under construction Google+ Page. For more information on using business page for promoting your brand, see this.


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